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Last Updated: 31 March 2020


This Content Policy is incorporated into the Terms and Conditions for viewing and use of our Sites and our Apps. You therefore agree to abide by the terms described herein. Capitalized terms not defined in this Content Policy will have the meaning set forth in our Terms and Conditions. This policy applies to all Content to be used with, or on, our Sites and our Apps.



Any Content You upload or post to the Site cannot contain:

a. Defamatory, derogatory, abusive, threatening, or harassing Content, especially comments directed at others;

b. Copyrighted works of a third party for which you do not have a license that allows such use;

c. Trademarks of a third party for which you do not have a license that allows such use;

d. Promotional or marketing Content;

e. Content that is against the law of your jurisdiction or that of the United States, whether the Content itself is unlawful or the distribution, transmission, duplication, or display of that Content is prohibited;

f. Hate speech (Content that promotes violence, or incites hatred against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization); or

g. Nudity or sexual content.


Any Content You share on a Public channel cannot be:


a. Staged;

b. Contrived; or

c. Otherwise fake

You may not intentionally or recklessly submit false or misleading information to a Public channel, or share any Content that is intentionally misleading.

Any Content that appears to originate from a device being held by a person, while that person is in control of a motor vehicle, is impermissible.



While we do not condone profanity or rude gestures, please understand that some Content may include material of this nature. Videos that contain only sparing amounts of profanity in the audio track will not be removed exclusively for that reason.  As per the Terms and Conditions, we reserve all right and authority to remove, flag, or censor Content for any reason, or no reason at all.

Comments may not contain profanity or offensive material, including via the use of letter substitutions, such as “leet speak,” emojis, graphics, gifs, or other methods.